official Nintendo GameCube logo was revealed at the Electronic
Entertainment Expo in 2001. The stylish logo consists of a purple cube
containing a variety of optical illusions. It somewhat resembles the three
dimensional N64 logo and noticeably expresses the three dimensional
aspects of modern gaming.
The GameCube logo has received great approval from Nintendo enthusiasts
and video game destinations: "Pretty spiffy." - IGN Cube has graphically added some emphasis the hidden qualities of the logo for
those of you that may have missed a part of the bigger picture. As
highlighted by the following images, the logo includes two cubes, a 'G', and a 'C'. It has even
been suggested that an eye was also intended to be part of the logo, which
can be seen by viewing the logo as a two-dimensional object.
What's a logo without a name? Nintendo took the style of the system icon
into the GameCube's text logo: