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nintendo expands r&d

According to recent industry reports, Nintendo is preparing to take significant measures to improve its position in the video game industry. Plans include expanding internal development capacity, forming new second party relationships, and investing a portion of the company's $6 billion cash holdings into the development of next-generation hardware. 

Nintendo Co. Ltd. recently announced that it will soon expand the company's internal development capacity by establishing a new research and development facility in the Kanda area of Tokyo. Nintendo stated that the new facility will "develop unique games for Nintendo’s hardware platforms, adding to the depth and breath of Nintendo’s first-party game library."

The Tokyo facility will function to bring on a new set of creative minds as Nintendo maneuvers to reenergize its development resources. Approximately twenty new hires will be brought on to work at the site alongside an equal number of NCL employees transfered from Kyoto. The site will become operational by the fourth quarter of this year.

Nintendo Release:

Nintendo Expands R&D

Bolstering its commitment to create diverse and innovative video game content for its hardware systems, Nintendo yesterday announced it is expanding internal development resources by establishing a new research and development facility in Tokyo. The new Tokyo facility will develop unique games for Nintendo’s hardware platforms, adding to the depth and breath of Nintendo’s first-party game library. Additional details about the facility, including when it will open, will be announced in the coming months.

April 17, 2003

Jim - News Contributor, GameCubicle is an independent site and is in no way associated with Nintendo Co. Ltd. or NOA
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