
If you still have a gray background on your desktop, you're missing
out. Below is a selection of stylish Nintendo wallpapers that would please
the eye of any Nintendo fan. To select a wallpaper for your
computer: click on the appropriate resolution and then right click on
the image, and select set as wallpaper. It's as simple as
that... enjoy. |


This blurred desktop decor
features the GameCube logo with a wonderful autumn feel. This puppy of a
wallpaper will make any desktop look sharp.


This Nintendo wallpaper
features a black GameCube against a ruby red background. The system
appears to shake.


The gaming color of the year
comes to your desktop in the form of a picture perfect GameCube controller
and console.


One of the coolest decors
yet, Nintendo's grid wallpaper includes the top side of a GameCube console
under light manipulations.


This Nintendo wallpaper
features a black GameCube against a ruby red background. The system
appears to shake.


Lightning radiates from
Nintendo's GameCube in this wallpaper featuring a black console against a
bluish gray background. The system appears to shake.


Well designed wallpaper with
a black background featuring a GameCube system, controller, Gekko
processor, and large "N" containing screens of GameCube titles.


Mostly white desktop wallpaper featuring the heroin of Metroid Prime, the
first-person adventure for Nintendo GameCube from Retro Studios. Very
clean and sharp looking.

Prime Logo

Creator: Retro Studios

Available In: [800x600]
[1024x800] |

Black desktop wallpaper featuring the logo of Metroid Prime, the
first-person adventure for Nintendo GameCube from Retro Studios. Simple,
yet stylish.

Smash Bros. Melee

Creator: Nintendo

Available In: [800x600]
[1024x800] |

Purple desktop wallpaper for the Nintendo game Super Smash Bros: Melee.
The wallpaper features two characters from the game as well as a GameCube
with four controllers.


Nintendo's very cute and stylish wallpaper for the game Pikmin. It
features a number of Pikmin standing in the grass and on a console.


Background for Wave Race: Blue Storm with a racer on top of a GameCube
mini-DVD disc with a navy blue background. Very cool looking.


Great desktop background starring Fox McCloud of Star Fox Adventures.
Includes render of McCloud, the game's title, screens from the game, and
Rare's logo.


The enemies of Star Fox Adventures take over your computer desktop in this
Rare-designed wallpaper. Very sharp looking and dark.