
A dedicated game play
system, Nintendo GameCube delivers new forms of interactive fun for
players and offers the easiest development environment for game
creators. The system's embedded memory, proprietary optical disc and
innovative controller were designed to optimize the game play
experience. Nintendo GameCube is available in two colors: Jet
(black) and Indigo (violet) for a suggested retail price of $199.95.
Box Includes: System, 1 Nintendo Controller, AV Multi
Cable, AC Power Cord, Manuals

LA Times:
"Nintendo GameCube: Nintendo knows games. With the demise this year
of Sega as a hardware company, Nintendo is now the wise old man of video
game consoles. The company thinks it can teach the upstarts a thing or two
by focusing its GameCube console solely on games. Purely as a game
machine, GameCube gives players a sweet, fast ride. Honestly, GameCube
does what it does so well that most people will never even notice the
things it does not do... The machine screams. The base processor is a
modified PowerPC chip from IBM and the graphics system was designed in
conjunction with ATI.

GameCube's big question is whether historically finicky Nintendo will keep
up a fast enough pace of games to sate hungry gamers. Third-party
developers already have promised a slate of good games, but the draw with
Nintendo's system has always been the company's home-grown offerings...
GameCube is pretty close to perfect - for what it does. It's a sweet
no-frills game machine with a wholesome lineup of games waiting to put its
impressive technical muscles through a workout." - read gamecube review |
"The majority of the designers I’ve spoken with echo Nintendo’s
position — GameCube, which will be released in the United States Nov.
18, has more than enough power and is easy to program. Amazingly, it does
this for $100 less than PlayStation 2 or Xbox... Powerful, relatively
inexpensive and easy to program, GameCube enters the market with lots of
strengths and a few marks against it. Hold on to your hats, gamers! The
next few years are going to be fun." - read gamecube
review |

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