
Tom Clancy's Splinter
Cell is a unique experience that will have you thinly skating the
fine line that separates fact from fiction. It is a third person
stealth action game featuring cyber-terrorism, shadow agencies, and
covert operations, and is set in the realistic, highly detailed
geopolitical universe as portrayed by Tom Clancy. As Sam Fisher, a
field operative of a secretive "black-ops" NSA sub-agency
called Third Echelon, you have access to the highest levels of
national security, where shadowy operatives have the freedom to do
whatever it takes to safeguard America. Geared up to infiltrate
high-security strongholds, you must seize critical intelligence,
destroy threatening data and neutralise the enemy - all without
leaving a trace.



IGN Cube:
"Splinter Cell on GameCube is still a very pretty game and
every bit as fun as it ever was. In fact, thanks to the new gameplay
polishing and Game Boy Advance connectivity enhancements, it might
even be just a tiny bit more fun for some Nintendo gamers, myself

"One of the most popular, most successful, and best looking
games for Xbox is now on the GameCube, and in some respects it's
better than the original. In short, the GameCube version is similar
to the Xbox and PC releases, but it isn't quite as impressive from a
technical standpoint in direct comparison."