We've connect four Game Boy Advances for four player Zelda. And
since I am going to demo this for you today with four player mode,
I'm going to need some help from the audience I think. I'm thinking
of trying to get someone to come up here to help me. But as chance
would have it, the man with whom I'm making this game, Mr. Okomoto
is here from Capcom today. So Mr. Okomoto if you could come on stage
please. [applause]
As Mr. Iwata just introduced to you, we are working on our Triforce
board project. And we are doing this with both Sega and Namco. And
now this is the name of our arcade system. And I'm really really
anxious to bring games like F-Zero and Star Fox to the arcades. I'm
pretty sure we'll be able to have four-player link play there as
well. So I'd actually like to invite on stage from Sega, the man
who's creating F-Zero for the GameCube, Mr. Nagoshi. And from Namco,
the man who's creating the Star Fox shooting game Mr. Hawagee. Ok,
lets start playing.
So everybody, get your games and check which color link you are. So
we have four-player Zelda. As you can see. So we're going to go down
towards the bottom right here. As you see, we have a block here that
two people have to push. Oh, but there's only two treasure chests.
The Links race to the treasure chests. [laughing] Lets go over this
way. Uh oh, which way should we go. Well as Mr. Miyamoto is playing
with his friends, allow me explain a little bit to you. The player
who collects the most rupees in a match is going to end up being the
winner. So really, this game is about both cooperation and
competition. Ok lets go back. Oww! This is the basic idea of the
game. I think if we were to keep playing, I might actually lose and
I don't want that to happen so why don't we cut this short
These three guys are really good at games. As you can see there are
even times where competitors can get together and cooperate once in
a while. I don't know, maybe if you saw on screen, I think we may
have been in fighting a little bit there. [laughing] Thank you very
much. [applause]
We're actually going to have Mr. Nagoshi stay on stage for just a
moment here. I'm sure as you all know, Mr. Nagoshi from Sega is the
creator of Super Monkey Ball and Daytona USA. I understand that
you're almost done with Super Monkey Ball 2.
Actually, you'll be able to play it on the show floor
tomorrow so I hope everybody will check it out. [applause]
I understand you brought some demo scenes of
F-Zero for Nintendo GameCube. We're just showing a little bit
shorter version today. Tomorrow on the show floor, you'll be able to
see a longer one. Lets take a look...